Perseus Cluster of Galaxies

Telescope C9.25 on AP1200GTO Designation NGC1275
Focal Length F/5.8 1365mm Position RA: 03 19 31' Dec:+41 31 02'
Guiding eFinder & SBIG guidehead Type Galaxies
Control MaximDL Magnitude 12.6
CCD Camera SBIG ST2000XM Size 1' x 1'
Image Scale 1.12 arcsec Distance 235 Million Light Years
Filters AstroDon LRGB Constellation Perseus
Exposures 8 x 5min 1x1, 6 x 4min ea RGB    
Calibration Flats, Bias only    
Software MaximDL, Photoshop CS2    
Date Chiefland Star Party 2008    
NGC1275 is the larger object and has a massive black hole in the center