Elephant Trunk Nebula

Telescope Epsilon 160 on AP900 Designation IC1396
Focal Length F/3.3 525mm Position RA 21h 36m DEC +57d 30m
Guiding Internal guider Type Emission Nebula
Control MaximDL Magnitude
CCD Camera Sbig ST2000XM Size
Image Scale 2.89 arcsec Distance 2,400 Light years
Filters AstroDons RGB Constellation Cepheus
Exposures 26 x 8 min HA 1x1,    
Calibration Flats, Darks, Bias    
Software MaximDL, Photoshop CS2    
Date Chiefland Fall Star Party 2009    
The Elephant's Trunk nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust in the star cluster IC 1396 and ionized gas region located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away from Earth. The Elephant Trunk nebula is now thought to be site of star formation, containing several very young (less than 100,000 yr) stars that were discovered in infrared images in 2003.