Texas Star Party 2006

M83 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy

Sombrero Galaxy

M81 Bodes' Galaxy
Star Parties

Winter Star Party 2006

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy


Centaurus A

M101 Pinwheel Galaxy

M83 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy

M64 Black Eye Galaxy

Thor's Helmet Nebula


Omeg Centauri Star Cluster

Winter Star Party Pics

Blue Water!

Waiting in line

Our Camp Site

Rick's 10" F/8

The Berm

The Berm

Waiting for darkness

Cooling down

Brian's great mount

Beautiful Dob

28" Dob

Nice Tak

Fire Ants Suck!

The Chickees

Mobile Observatory

Tent City

The Famous Yard Scope

Hated to leave